Blog Archives

Almost halfway through spring term

So we are almost halfway through the second term of third year and things are somewhat piling up. Having been involved in a high-commitment production called ‘5 Lesbians Eating a Quiche’ (and yes it was as crazy as it sounds!)

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Happy Christmas!

Christmas is fast approaching, along with the end of term, and boy is it showing! Not just the huge amounts of beautiful lights up all over Bristol, the excess of knitted jumpers and the small but glorious tree bedecked in oversized baubles

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Returning for my third year!

Looming over this summer has been those big two words – Third Year. Capital T, capital Y. It’s the one everyone talks about, fears, fixates on. And then all of a sudden it kicks off and you realise it’s actually

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Exam Month

The month has been Exam Month. Capital E and a capital M. For an English student this can mean something slightly different than for a cellular and molecular scientist, a medic or a lawyer. At Bristol, exams are run very

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A hectic Spring

The last few weeks have been somewhat hectic, down entirely to my own doing. I’m finding myself in the chronic habit of having ‘eyes bigger than my timetable’! In the last few weeks I’ve had an essay due, three shows

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Hitting the ground running …

Returning to Bristol for second year brings with it a variety of emotions. It is somehow as daunting as arriving for the first time exactly a year ago! Knowing that this is the year where all your work counts towards

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The End

The end of term came with a flurry of activity, end of exams, end of first year and beginning of summer. It was a week of the final ball, the final show and final goodbye to our little flat in

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Bristol through (not so) new eyes

I’m nearing the start of my last term in first year and it is astonishing how quickly it’s flown by. The days are trickling away and the daunting prospect of second year approaches. In the last couple of weeks before

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New term

Exams are finished and surprisingly weren’t even that terrible. In fact I may even go so far as to say that they were borderline enjoyable; although I doubt any other subject would agree it just so happens that English students

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Settling back home

Looking back on my first term of university was a strange sensation. The time we’ve spent here has flown by and yet, by the end of last term, I felt settled enough in my group of friends and routine that

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